Wednesday , April 3 2024
Students after school tutoring class

Parenthood: A Right or a Privilege?

The mothers and fathers of today seem to be willing hand over their children to whoever is willing to take them for no matter how many hours so they can have their “own” time. It seems the true meaning of parenthood has escaped the snowflakes of today who still hang on to delusions of grandeur about their place in the universe. They are the ones who will immediately pack their children off to afterschool sessions and activities as soon as the bell rings.

Let’s commence by saying this is in no way an attack on parents who work all day and are not able to be home when their children are let off of school. The tough economic times mandate that the two parents have to work to support their families, and those parents deserve all the admiration for struggling to do what’s right. This is directly aimed at the housewives and business men that have plenty of time on their hand to help raise their children yet they do not.

It starts in the morning when both are asleep as the maid, the ultimate household accessory for each Lebanese couple, wakes up the children and prepares them for school. She is also the one who feeds them, makes their lunches and waits for the bus to come pick them up. Meanwhile, the mother is catching up on her beauty sleep. When they come back home for lunch, they might or might not catch a glimpse of their mother as she follows her tweets and Instagram feed and/or is having a juicy gossiping session with their friends.

After a hasty meal, the kids are unceremoniously packed into a car and driven to whatever facility is responsible for the afternoon custody. It is mostly the center where they are helped by professionals to go through their school work before they are again packed up to be delivered home. And if no center exists, then there are tons of after school activities where they can “refine” their “talents” and grow character. Once there, they are greeted by the same arms that waved them good bye, the maid’s, and they sit down to perhaps their first glimpse of their parents for the day. And if you think that the mother and father will be lusty for the time to spend with their kids, then you are sorely mistaken. Even if they are all around one table or in the same room, which is highly unlikely, there isn’t much conversation happening.

Parenting is about going through the dull routine of everyday life with your children. It’s about waking up in the morning and putting spaghetti arms and legs in proper clothes. It’s about telling them you love them and wishing them a good day. It’s about fighting and yelling with them about their grades in school and forcing them to do their homework. It’s about the “I hate you” before the “I love you”. It’s about the clash and tension. It’s about the love that wipes everything away and gives you a clean slate to start over every day. Unless you have that kind of dedication, you do not deserve to be a parent.

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