Tuesday , August 29 2023

The Mantra of a Successful Leader

The genuine concern for the well-being and future of a company is the driving force behind every action you take. Accepting that the interest of others is just as important as yours leads to embracing yourself with a clear positive mindset, which in turn allows for healthy relationships with the people around you and an exuberant feeling of accomplishment, internal peace, and satisfaction.

My approach is simple: never allow negativity to taint any idea; instead, keep pumping a healthy dose of positive energy whenever one senses the team is going through hardships. Maintaining this attitude allows the people around me to persist in turning an idea into reality while minimizing damage if initial milestones do not get reached. The latter is achieved using a combination of creativity and stealthy risk management. This approach has been my mantra for as long as I can remember and it has served me well. Certain ventures may seem impossible yet such a case quickly warrants a session in the conference room focused on “impossible is only a point of view”. It’s a matter of telling your team that it’s okay to hit a dead-end and that they are still great people, which is exactly what will motivate them to be more creative and unleash their hidden potentials.

Some might hesitate under pressure of running more than one venture simultaneously, or running multi-national companies and struggling to maintain healthy corporate environments, by constantly projecting negativity and a constant sense of non-satisfaction with their team’s output. Being validated drives the people around you to work harder and become more open to critique that might have otherwise been perceived in a negative and demoralizing manner. An energized and confident person is easier to work with than a beaten down, defensive human being. This has taught me to always let people have their own say while I work on discovering where they excel in, which would help me nurture a better sense of self within them.

While some of you might argue against the effectiveness of my philosophy, this is how I have been conducting myself and running all of my businesses these past years. It’s important to note that this article serves to relay my experience using this unusual style of management that introduces positive Zen to its human resources in complex corporate structures. Recognized or not, the excellent relationships that I have cultivated with employees, investors, students, friends, and family as well as the amount of love I feel from these people that I interact with on a daily basis, make me confident that even though my approach might not be a common one, the self-satisfaction of all the positivity that surrounds me encouraged me to write this article and share my experience with other entrepreneurs and business owners in the hopes of creating more positive corporate environments using simple methods of self-positivity training.

Furthermore, treating others the best way possible allows me to have a clear sense of judgement on whether a new venture comes to fruition or ends with a lesson. I have cultivated a strong and supportive network around me that filters and refines my own ideas before working towards execution.

My next step is constructing two new platforms that will generate job opportunities for numerous families. While this step is risky, I rely on life experiences as my venture comes from a place of love and a desire to extend support and sustenance for some of the needy families in a country whose economy has been ravished by endless cycles of war and corruption.

Introducing the 5 following habits can create a better corporate environment with increased loyalty and productivity:

  1. Be humane and not emotional! Don’t get personal but expect some short-falls simply because they are humans
  2. No matter how big your firm is, make an effort to regularly meet and greet your employees.
  3. Always compliment your employees when they do a good job
  4. Make sure your team is paid decently, give them health benefits and a clear idea of how they can grow and develop their career path within your firm for the next 10 years
  5. Smile at every chance you get

About the writer

Dr. Zeina Zeidan Maalouly: A PhD in Audit She embodies the ideals of professionalism. She has worked in many fields and gained experience in the intricate variations of various types of organizations. As a result, she has the flexibility and knowledge to take on any project with ease. Her conduct is exemplary and makes her one of the most successful team leaders.
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