Monday , October 30 2023

What Goes Around Comes Around: Karma Effect

There is an old saying: “As you sow, so shall you reap”. This is one lesson that still holds true and will continue to do so in the coming years, it is the basic understanding of how karma, the law of cause and effect, works. The word karma truly signifies “movement.” It can be divided into a couple of basic types such as good, bad, individual and group. Depending on what you do you receive the fruit of your activity, it could be delicious fruit or bitter one. Sometimes, when the action is performed by a group of people, the group will reap the results together.

All what we say and do defines what will happen to us later on. Regardless of whether we act in an honest or dishonest way, if we help or harm others, everything is recorded and shows as a karmic response sooner or later. It is said that all karmic records are conveyed with the spirit into the following life and body. There is no exact recipe that tells us how and when karmic responses will show up in our lives, yet one can make certain they will show up in some frame or other. A person might commit a crime and escape from punishment, or he might abstain from paying taxes, however as per karma, you can never get away with anything.

Frequently, when something turns out badly in our lives, and it is not clear why it happened, it can be really confusing. We can simply be left with no specific answers. For example, I remember when I lost my parents, I asked myself why this happened to my family, and I thought maybe God wanted to punish us, but since I grew up believing in God I know that God is merciful and would never punish small kids, then I thought it just happened by chance, or perhaps to make each one of us strong and independent as we are today.

We can compare how karma functions to a credit card purchase. You buy things now using your credit card, then get hit with the bill after 30 days. If you buy many things using the credit card, then you’ll get hit with one huge bill.

The normal question that emerges is: “Why am I getting punished for something I do not recall it occurred? Obviously, we don’t ask ourselves such question when good things happened to us, as we consider that we deserve it. The most critical lesson to learn is that we can turn out to be more aware of our present activities to prepare ourselves for a more prosperous future, both materially and spiritually. We live our lives in cycles, and until we or someone else does something to interrupt that cycle, the good, bad, or a combination of both will continue.

Nevertheless, some people do not believe in “what goes around comes around”. They trust we make circumstances that fit such idea. We blame ourselves in some way or another and consider that we “deserved” this awful thing that happened to us, or when somebody does something awful to us, we comfort ourselves with the fact that he will be treated the same. But, what about all the great things you have done? Have good things also returned back to you? If you have ever donated food, money or clothes to charity, have you gotten that back ten times? We experience our lives in cycles, and until we or another person accomplishes something that interrupt this cycle, the good, bad, or a combination of both will proceed.

Finally, whatever people may think about Karma, the fact remains that bad guys do not necessarily get caught all the time, and good guys do not necessarily receive rewards. We should do everything with good heart and expect nothing in return, this way we will never be disappointed.

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